Home :: Plants :: Kid-Friendly Planting Design Kit - Green Plant

Kid-Friendly Planting Design Kit - Green Plant

Kid-Friendly Planting Design Kit - Green Plant
SKU SKU18114
Our price: $8.00
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Stuck at home and need a kid-friendly project, fast? Our Planting Design Kit is a fun and engaging way to keep your kids busy on any afternoon! Our kit includes all you need for your child to learn the basics of planting.
A Forth Exclusive, For Rhinelander area delivery only.

Take pictures while your kids are working and tag us on Forth Floral's Facebook or Instagram account and we'll send you a digital* Forth Floral's Junior Gardener certificate**.

Each kit includes:

-Small pot and saucer*** (We included a white pot that your kids can decorate to make their pot special!)
-Circular filter
-Small green plant***
-Plant care instruction card

*If for some reason a digital certificate won't work for you, let us know and we'll happily send you a physical copy.
**One certificate per kit.
***Specific plants will vary by kit. Pots come undecorated, those pictured are examples.
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